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List of short films  selected for the Mitreo Film Festival year 2019

1) Shaked Katsir   "Wonders"   7'20 "

2) CA Tent      " Kohlestift" _cc781905_bb781905-5cde-3194b3b3b-3194b-136bad5-3194b

3) Oleksandr Hoisan   " Sir Chub de Pigi" 9 '

4)   Luke Naylor-Perrott   "Bedroom Bossa Nova"  4'59 "

5)   Aleksandra Drewniak   "Yaro"  5'20 "

6) Ronald Guerin   "Rescue"   2'28 "

7) Vincenzo Lamagna   "The Magic Crown"   7'44 "

8) Julienne Bautista   "Safety"   7'14 "

9) Alisher Zhadigerov    "Fish broth"   8 '

10) Juman Daraghmeh   "Two personalities in one"   7'20 "

11) Cristina Mena   "Leonora"  3 '

12) David Roncone     "The Ambush" _cc781905-5cde-3194d "

13) Agnese Làposi      _cc781905-5cde-3194bunting-136 -cc5 "3194bunting-3194bd5" 3194bcc5 " Smallcc781905-5cde-3194bunting-136cc5" bb3b-136bad5cf58d_3'30 "

14) Muhammad Heri Fadli     "From Fruits Heaven 81258_bc7905-136bad5"

15) William Billy Joe   "5 Reasons to destroy the world"  6'37 "

16) Hyash Tanmoy     "Blackboard" _cc758905-5cde-3194-Bad5

17) Rok won Hwang   "Bruised"   2'42 "

18) Luigi Positano    "A hidden room"  7'30 "

19) Kareem ElGohary     "Bubbles" _cc781905_b3b-136b3b-136b3b-5b3b-136bad5-136b3b3b3b3b-136b3b

20) Zahra Mirrza "Winged Miracle" 7'35 "

21) Luigi Di Domenico   "Martino"   8'36 "

22) Sander Lebreht   "The Fascination"   5'02 "

23) Leopold Hotz     "Crossing Lines" _cc781905-5cde-3194_badd

24) Demetrio Celestino-III   "Dyspnea Islands"   1'30 "

25) Leonardo Martinelli     "If the World Spinned Backwards" 5 '

26) Keilin Moffatt     "Second glance" _cc781905 -... 2'30 "

27) Brandon Axel     "¿JUSTICIA!"

28) Patrick Büchting    _cc781905-5cde-3194 -3905-bb3b-136cc5 " bb3batic_b3b-136cc5" 136bad5cf58d_ 3'29 "

29) Rocco D'Anzi     "The dreamer" _cc781905_5cde-3194d-136f

30) Volkan Güney Eker     "The Bone" _cc781905-bad5-136cde-5.27 "

31) Luke Naylor-Perrott      "How to Man Up in NYC9094-Bad5cf58d_" How to Man Up in NYC_Badd7 " -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_9'46 "

32) Ankurjyoti Deka      "Fade In" _cc794-5bad5 -368-5 "bbc7905-136-bad5"

33) Luca Esposito   " Paper Boat"  7'17 "

34) Philip Thompson     "Because of My Mother" _cc758905-5cde-3194_badd-13622d "

35) Zach White     "11 Seconds" _cc781905-5cde-3194_bad_6

36) Rafi Tannous   "Trigger"  8 '

37) Julie Boehm     "Paris you got me" _cc781905'5cde-136badd-136bd-136

38) Giulio Pavesi     "Share" (withdrawn)


We inform you that on Monday 18 November 2019 the following will be published:

1) the short films finalists of the competition;

2) the short films out of competition that will be screened in the hall;

3) the short films of the section Corti Campani

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